Kitchen work triangle is a concept that advise where to locate three main kitchen appliances, Refrigerator, Sink, and Stovetop. The concept refers back to 1920s when Gillbert, an industrial psychologist and engineer, studied on practical kitchen layout which was based on the motion saving and finally invented circular routing. Later the university of Illinois school of architecture developed the concept of work triangle by which each point of the triangle indicates the location of Sink, Refrigerator and stovetop.
According to concept, the ideal distance between each points is Min 1.2m & Max 2.7m and perimeter of the triangle should be between 4m to 7.9m respectively.
There might be some exceptions based on your actual kitchen layout. For example, the triangle theory is not applicable for In-line shape kitchen but still we can apply motion saving concept by finding suitable location of those three appliances and categorising cabinets efficiently.